M&S Sale

Deal Complete – Acquisition of M&S in Sale

10 July, 2024
Chalking up another great investment deal done, we can reveal that Graham Fawcett has acquired the M&S in Sale on behalf of a private property company, following competitive bids.
M&S Sale

Located in the affluent Greater Manchester suburb of Sale, this prime 17,640 sq ft foodstore is let on a rebased rent of £295,000 per annum to M&S Simply Food for c.10 years and trades very well.

Our thanks go to Hampson Wall's Joe Wall who advised the vendor on the deal.

We have many acquisitive clients and to hear about our current requirements as well as our investment sales available across the UK’s strongest cities and market towns, get in touch with FMX's Graham Fawcett, James Mead, Tom Heptonstall and Patrick Kilvington today.


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