FA Cup

Fawcett Mead win the FA Cup

12 May, 2019
The FA Cup made a surprise visit to the offices of Fawcett Mead this week and is pictured here with Directors James Mead, Jonathan Mills and Graham Fawcett.
FA Cup

The trophy - arguably the second most-prized in football after the Property Week Cup - was in fact a replica of the original model which dates back to 1911 and is set to be handed over by Prince William at Wembley Stadium this weekend.

Eagle-eyed Fawcett spied the replica trophy, which isn’t available for purchase in the UK, for sale while over in Dublin for Fawcett Mead’s annual conference and with a keen knowledge of his side’s association with the Fattorini designed cup resolved himself to make the buy at any cost.

Now the Bradford-made trophy, originally won by the Bantams over Newcastle in 1911, will finally be adorned with City’s claret and amber ribbons again as it takes pride of place at the Property Award-winning retail agency’s offices.

Fawcett told Property Week that anyone who would like a picture with the trophy can do so at Fawcett Mead’s headquarters in exchange for a £10 donation to the Elifar Foundation.

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