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New M&S Food format goes down a storm

24 October, 2019
Our retained client, Marks & Spencer have recently transformed its fashion and food store on St John’s Road in Clapham to their new, larger, market hall style food format.

Following on from the first market-style trial in Hempstead Valley shopping centre earlier in the year, the new Clapham store focuses on fresh food, ‘hero’ illumination lighting the stock, a fresh pizza counter and the herbarium – a well lit glass cabinet where fresh herbs are grown.

The store looks fantastic and feedback has been great with the store featuring well in the press – including Retail Week’s John Ryan’s recent analysis found here

MMX Retail are proud to be solely retained by Marks & Spencer to assist with all their property matters inside the M25. Please contract David Hobbs, David Justice or Howard Quigley to discuss further!

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